Small Benefit
Exclusion- how to give your employees or yourself if you are a director a bonus
to the value of €250 tax free
An employer can give an employee a once off voucher to the
value of €250 each year without it been taxed or subject to benefit in kind
regulations. This also applies to directors. The voucher has to be bought by
the employer and given to the employee. The employee can’t buy the voucher
themselves and then just get the cash to reimburse them or the employer can’t
just simply give the employee the cash, it has to be a voucher.
It only applies to one voucher per year. So if you give a voucher
for €100 during the year and another one for €150 later in the year then only
the first one is not taxable and the second €150 will be taxable. In other
words in order to avail of the full €250 it has to be given in one go with one
This is a very tax efficient way to pay employees and also for
directors to extract money from the company. It can be availed of once every
year to the value of €250.