Thursday 28 February 2013

10 Hints for success at Jobs Interviews

These are ten things you should do to be successful in an interview
(1) Be prepared technically. You need to prepare for a job interview or a series of interviews the same way you would an exam. You have to be work on your interview technique. This means you have to study up on the job that you are going for and the company that is looking for an employee. Revise all the things that you know about the position that you want to get. So if you are going for a job as an accounting technician then get out your text books and revise how you prepare accounts. You should be able to answer all technical questions with ease.
(2) Be prepared in relation to yourself. Study your Curriculum Vitae and learn the dates you have put down for jobs and experience. Know about the hobbies you put down. Be confident talking about your achievements. Know your CV like the back of your hand because this is the origin of the questions you are going to be asked
(3) Practice interviews. First of all practice in front of a mirror or video. Look at you self, make sure you are sitting up straight that you are neat and confident looking. If you are stumbling practice until you are not stumbling. Then practice with a friend or relative who will be honest with you. Make them adapt different interview styles. So they can be someone soft who is nice to you but who still asks you the hard questions. Then let them be a strict interviewer who is not so nice and asks you hard questions and follows up on your answers and tries to catch you out on your answers. Then listen to what they have to say about your performance
(4) Know in advance where the interview is going to be. So look it up on a map or programme it into a sat nav. Drive there or take the bus to the premises some day before the interview if you can. This way you will make sure you are on time and that you can relax before the interview takes place. There is nothing worse than been rushed or worse late for an interview
(5) Dress appropriately for the interview, you don't necessarily have to be formally dressed but dress in clothes that you would be expected to wear in the job if you got it.
(6) Be confident and assertive. If you have prepared yourself as per above then you should be confident in your answers. Now just be confident in yourself. Believe you are as good as anyone else and portray that in the interview. The big thing employers want is someone who can do the job confidently so you have to convince them that you can do this.
(7) Do not be afraid to admit that you do not know something.Humans are very bad usually at telling lies, even the best liars give away tell tale signs or get caught up in the lie. So just admit you are lacking in knowledge in an area but then come back strong by saying that you are wiling to learn. Every job has a learning curve so you will always have to learn new stuff so the employer is always looking for someone who realizes that you cant know everything but are willing to learn
(8) Make and hold eye contact and give a firm hand shake. This portrays so much to an interviewer. You are reflecting your own self image and asserting yourself. The employer then sees you as your own person and that you can handle yourself in the world
(9) Be proud of and emphasis all the other areas of your life such as sports and hobbies. Tell them about organizations you have been involved in. Employers now a days want people who demonstrate they can add value to their business and you can demonstrate this by showing that you excelled in your sport or that you organized an event for what hobby you are involved in
(10) Relax, take deep breaths and give yourself the reassurance that you can get the job. You need to be relaxed in order to perform to the best of your ability . I mean now relaxation in your mind and body as to your abilities but not so relaxed to the point where you are slumping in the chair and yawning . You have to be prepared to work in the interview but don't get yourself nervous or uptight otherwise your brain will get foggy. Remember there is always another job and that the interview is only a half hour out of your life. Hope these help you in any interview you might have to do.

Author Frank McGivney & Co. Chartered Management Accountant 0469293891

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